Delta RC AS delivers remote controls for the construction market. Delta RC AS has the goal to deliver a series of premium high quality remote controls for industrial use. The backbone of the new products are 30 years experience with design and production of digital µProcessor control systems.

DE240 Industrial Remote Control

DE240 Industrial RC are designed to meet most requirements, also HSE. All versions are delivered with armstrap to make sure you can operate the system hands-free.
Our products are designed with focus on industrial harsh-environment operation standard, IP67. All versions of the system are available for vehicle or stationary installations. With the flexible design it will have the options of 8, 12 or 16 ON/OFF functions.
- The system has the latest in low power bluetooth wireless communication and technology. BLE 5.x gives unique abilites for our products such as:
Extremely long battery lifetime, over 12 months - Long range (100 m) antenna choice dependent
- Two-way communication gives visual and audio warnings/info to the operator
Part no.: 03293 – DE240 Industrial RC set
This is a set which includes transmitter with 8 buttons, reciever with batteries not rechargable, wall mount and armstrap.
Part no.: 03188 – RU240 Transmitter with 8 buttons
Part no.: 03200 – CU240 Control Unit
Part no.: 03169 – Armstrap for RU240
Additional options:
Part no.: 03166 – Battery pack primary for RU240 (not rechargable, 2200mAh)
Part no.: 03111 – Battery pack accu for RU240 (rechargable, 750mAh)
Part no.: 03179 – Wall mount for RU240 (for stowage of RU240)
Part no.: 03298 – Antenna set for CU240 (contains sector antenna, cable, screws and bracket for wall mount)
Part no.: 12396 – Antenna 3dBi, 3m cable
Part no.: 12465 – Antenna 3dBi, 5m cable
Part no.: 03034 – CHO340 Charger 110/230VAC (Wall or tabletop charger for office environment)
Part no.: 01870 – CHV340 Charger 12/24VDC (Wall or tabletop charger for vehicle environment)
Part no.: 03270 – RE240 Range Extender
Part no.: 03229 – WP240 Wireless foot pedal
All parts can be ordered separately.
- Operation -40oC to + 60oC
- Protection: IP67
- Floating chassis if submerged or dropped in water
- Battery standard: lithium 3.6V, 750 mAh
- Battery optional: rechargable NIMH 3.6V, 750 mAh
- Power consumption standby: 14µA
- Power consumption deep sleep: 1µA
EU: EN 300 328 V2.2.2 3.2: Effective use of spectrum allocated
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 3.1(b): Electro magnetic compatibility
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4 EN 62368-1: 2014-A11:2017 3.1(a): Health and safety if the user EN 62479: 2010
US: FCC part 15 modular certification, 47 CFR part 15m, subpart C, FCC ID: 2AO94-MK08
Click the links below to download a PDF version of the documents. For technical manuals, please contact us at hello(a)
DE214 Wireless TL RC - Wireless Truck Loading Remote Control

Delta DE214 is a robust and small remote control for up to 6 functions and stop. Both transmitter and reciever is designed to fulfill the most strict safety standards.
The transmitter has introduced a new communication, WTT – Wireless Timeshare Transmission. This means that the transmitter does not work continuously, but only 20% effective active time. Working hours with fully charged battery is about 24h with contant usage.
Part no.: 0xxx – DE214 Global TL RC set
This is a set which includes transmitter and reciever
Part no.: 03156 – TX214-2S Global TL transmitter
Part no.: 03157 – RXA214 Global TL reciever
Transmitter and reciever can be ordered separately.
Anlegget består av følgende enheter:
• Bærbar sender med innebygget batteri og med belte for å kunne bære senderen rundt livet.
• Mottaker for fastmontering, med kontakt for antenneplugg og koplingsboks for tilkopling av drivspenning og styreobjekter.
• Antenne til mottakeren for montering på stålunderlag. Består av 5 m kabel, antennefot og antennepisk.
• Lader til senderen, CH300L1 for nettdrift, 230VAC eller 12/24VDC, levere som ekstrautstyr.
Alle funksjonene fungerer etter dødmannsprinsippet.
Generelle spesifikasjoner
** Frekvens 433.920 MHz, +/- 50 kHz
** Modulasjonstype FM, +/- 30 kHz
** Datahastighet Maks 4800 bits pr. sekund
** Koding Digital koding, 65536 forskjellige koder som blir satt fra fabrikk.
** Funksjoner 2-5 funksjoner med stopp, full samtidighet eller kun en funksjon av gangen.
** Temperaturområde Drift: 20 til + 40 C
Lagring: 40 til + 70 C.
** Sjokk 1m fritt fall på betonggulv
Utstyret tilfredsstiller EU-standard: I-ETS 300220 og EN 50082-2
Dette er ihht. EU’s krav for å kunne CE-merke utstyret.
Delta og Deltas forhandler innehar nødvendig kravdokumentasjon.
1 year warranty from date of delivery.